Course: PSY207
Instructor: Megan Spokas
F 2014

Description of Course Goals and Curriculum

Survey of different types of abnormal behaviors and different models of explanation. Students will come to understand the conflicting viewpoints and treatment approaches that characterize the clinical field, and will understand what is presently known and not known about abnormal functioning. This course meets twice a week for 50 minute lectures, and once a week for 50 minute precept. Assignments for this course involve a midterm and final exam, as well as a final Dean's Date paper.
Make sure to do the readings!

Learning From Classroom Instruction

You will learn about many abnormal psychological disorders in lecture, which are fleshed out from the textbook. In precepts, you discuss these disorders in even more detail, aided with the supplement of blackboard readings.

Learning For and From Assignments

You will learn about specific disorders through case studies and scientific literature.

External Resources

R. Comer, Abnormal Psychology (8th Edition) Gorenstein & Comer, Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology

What Students Should Know About This Course For Purposes Of Course Selection

Take this course if you are interested in learning about mental health! It is pretty interesting and relatively low-stress
Abnormal Psychology

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